Colour contacts! The persistent fashion trend over the years

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Whether you are looking for an elusive change in your everyday appearance or to take your Halloween/ theme party costume to an exciting and brilliant new level, coloured contacts are the way to go!

Coloured contact lenses are originally designed to mimic your eye’s iris. The iris is made of several patterns and shapes which are further enhanced and enriched by colour contacts lenses. To avoid any hindrance to the pupil; the center of the lens is kept transparent which enables you to see clearly.

Colour contacts lenses are available for both short-sightedness and far-sightedness as well as in Plano form which are made entirely for cosmetic purposes.

Contacts lenses are also available for Astigmatism; a medical condition that causes blurred vision.

How to choose the right coloured contacts?

Ideally the most crucial part of choosing the right contacts is knowing what colour you want. Or the extent of change you want to achieve in your appearance. If you are looking for a complete and bold transformation then you can easily settle on a colour or pattern but if you are looking for a more subtle and refined look you might have to try on a few different options before you select anything.

Your hair and skin colour play a vital role when you are trying to choose a new colour contact to try. You will need to find something that contrasts your facial features and don’t clash with you hair and skin colour. Enhancement tinted contacts subtly enrich your natural eye colour and make your eyes appear brighter and more vibrant.

Ideally it is advisable that you consult an ophthalmologist before selecting new contact lenses to wear. Regardless of whether you are looking for coloured contacts for cosmetic purposes or for corrective use, your doctor can help find you the ideal brand or type that suits your eyes the best.

If you are trying to wear contacts for the first time, here are a few thing that you need to know

  • Always put in contacts with clean hands, keeping your nails short and buffed in order to avoid any damage to your delicate contact lenses
  • Initially try the contacts for a short period. Give your eyes time to adjust to the new change
  • Never share or borrow lenses with others! This can result in severe eye infections. In addition to that, it is not necessary that the contacts that suited one person should suit you as well
  • Always clean and sterilize your contact lenses with the lens solution provided, if you are using “disposable lenses” use a fresh pair every day
  • If your eyes become red or irritated, take your lenses out immediately. If the problem persists consult a doctor
  • If you are wearing coloured contact lenses for corrective purposes, make sure to carry a pair of glasses with you for back up. In case your eyes are becoming uncomfortable or irritated you can always take them out and wear your glasses
  • If you are going to wear makeup, put in your contacts before you apply or use any makeup products. This ensures that any creams or powders don’t reach the contact lenses from your hands which can cause irritation to your eyes.

Types of Coloured Contacts to choose from

  1. Enhancement tinted contacts: These contacts are specially designed to enhance your natural eye colour without completely changing your look. These are ideal if you are looking for a more subtle change and only want to intensify and enhance your original eye colour
  2. Opaque tinted contacts: These contacts are available in solid and strong colours that can completely change your eye colour. These are ideal for people with darker eye shades who want to go for lighter tones and try a more exciting eye colour for a change.
  3. Shimmer and Sparkle: These are quite different from the typical contact colours and are used for brightening your eyes and intensify your natural eye colour and pattern. By using different and unique designs these contacts bring a certain glimmer and shine to your eyes.
  4. Disposable contacts: These are the perfect option if you wear contacts occasionally. These are for one time use and are super convenient and hygienic way to jazz up your look.
  5. Monthly coloured contacts: These are ideal if you wear contacts every day. As the name suggests they can be used for a period of thirty consecutive days. These need maintenance and cleaning every day. So make sure to clean and sterilize them in the provided lens solution every night.
  6. Contacts designed for correcting astigmatism: Toric, gas permeable and hybrid contact lenses are all types of lenses specially designed to correct astigmatism. If you have a blurred vision and want to try out coloured contacts, talk to your doctor. They will be able to find you the best possible contacts that will suit you and help improve your condition as well.

It is always prudent that you buy contact lenses from a reputable brand or from a trustworthy shop which you are certain will stock only the best brands. Irrespective of the fact that you are a first time wearer or have worn contacts before, you should always follow the instructions and guidelines included in the contacts lens packaging by the manufacturer.

Experiment and revel in different styles of contact lenses. Coloured contact lenses provide you with a unique and brilliant opportunity to try a number of different looks, just make sure to take all the necessary measures and precautions before you jump in!



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